Liquid feedback dump statistic from : piratenpartei-bu
Filename : liquidfeedback_piratenpartei_2013-05-12_03-11_CEST.sql.gz
Database dump from : 12.05.2013 03:09
checksum SHA1: c4b441506295f0fa993c5b7b695ec4bb1feef06a
lqfb version: 2.1.0
Report Ranges : 10 days | 60 days | 180 days
This report is based on the lqfb-analyser reports. It is usable with an database dump of a liquidfeedback instance to provide some statistical data.
To finde more reports check out the base wiki page.
To see how the reports are working, feel free to checkout the report wiki or even the code.
generated :13.05.2013 14:43
To get more infos about this report go to the LQFB-analyser project page.
(c) Urs Zeidler 2012